On the internet, copyright infringement is quite common and a lot of disputes arise. From the post, people who like to download illegal music and movies online may have to take notes because UK government is working on a new law to have this illegal downloader’s internet connection to be cut off.
There are 6 million people are estimated to download files illegally every year in UK in a practice that music and film companies claim is costing them millions of pounds in lost revenue annually. A lot of people download illegally is because they don't realize the harm of their action and they only think about themselves. When people illegally download music and movies online, they are taking money away from the artist who rightfully earned it.
Unfortunately, nowadays technology comes quicker than we are prepared for; too quickly to decide what’s right and wrong and how to deal with it. People should realize that downloading copyrighted music and movies off the internet is illegal. Some people say that music and firm companies get enough money out of CDs and DVDs they sell in the stores, but the day is almost here where more people get their music and movies online than from a physical store.
Under the new proposed new law, Internet Service Providers (ISP) will be required to adopt a three-strike system. An email warning will be sent the first time a user illegally download copyrighted media files, while the second infringement will result in a suspension. For a third offence, the ISP will terminate the user’s contract. ISP who failed to enforce the rules could be prosecuted and details of customers suspected in illegal downloading can be made available to the courts.
Therefore, it is hope that people will stop downloading music and movies illegally after they know the new law. The copyright laws protect music and visual art materials. So, it is our responsibility to honor those laws and respect the artists and the music.
There are 6 million people are estimated to download files illegally every year in UK in a practice that music and film companies claim is costing them millions of pounds in lost revenue annually. A lot of people download illegally is because they don't realize the harm of their action and they only think about themselves. When people illegally download music and movies online, they are taking money away from the artist who rightfully earned it.
Unfortunately, nowadays technology comes quicker than we are prepared for; too quickly to decide what’s right and wrong and how to deal with it. People should realize that downloading copyrighted music and movies off the internet is illegal. Some people say that music and firm companies get enough money out of CDs and DVDs they sell in the stores, but the day is almost here where more people get their music and movies online than from a physical store.
Under the new proposed new law, Internet Service Providers (ISP) will be required to adopt a three-strike system. An email warning will be sent the first time a user illegally download copyrighted media files, while the second infringement will result in a suspension. For a third offence, the ISP will terminate the user’s contract. ISP who failed to enforce the rules could be prosecuted and details of customers suspected in illegal downloading can be made available to the courts.
Therefore, it is hope that people will stop downloading music and movies illegally after they know the new law. The copyright laws protect music and visual art materials. So, it is our responsibility to honor those laws and respect the artists and the music.
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